Healthy data, higher ROI

Our expert data cleaning services will quickly transform your existing data to create a refreshed, profiled database of named contacts and opted-in email addresses.

We can enhance your data with valuable prospect, customer and marketing intelligence that:

  • Increases the quality and quantity of your sales leads
  • Ensures your content and campaigns are more targeted and personalised
  • Creates a customer experience that is more meaningful and rewarding
  • Ultimately boosts revenue and ROI

Data Cleansing

Unlock data value

Your marketing campaign is only as good as your data. Verifying and validating data for your target audiences maximises the impact of your marketing activities, boosts sales and increases the lifetime value of your customers.

Our telephone database cleansing and enhancement services include:

  • Capture of replacement names
  • Identification of decision makers
  • Verification and validation of email addresses
  • Consent that is unambiguous, affirmed and secured
  • De-duplication of data
  • Refreshed addresses
  • Enhanced third-party data to match grade records

Bad data costs money

  • Wasted resource – Poor quality data produces poor quality leads and low conversion rates.
  • Reputational damage – If your data is dirty, your marketing message will be irrelevant and may be viewed as spam.
  • Lost investment – If data feeding your sales and marketing campaigns is inaccurate, your message won’t reach your target audience and your investment will be lost.
  • Personalised customer experience – A clean, precise database enables you to segment your data and target high-value prospects with tailored content to improve customer experiences.
  • Compliance risk – If data sourced is not opted-in and marketing communications are not permission based, you may be in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and risk hefty fines.

Data Enrichement

Data enrichment enables you to connect better with your target audience

Using telephone research to enhance your data enables you to identify key decision makers and gain insight into their interests, attitudes and behaviour. Armed with this intelligence, you can accurately target your most valuable prospects and deepen engagement with your most profitable customers.

Intelligent targeting

Working with legacy data, newly sourced lists, starting from scratch, or using a mix of multiple sources, our team can build a high-quality, cleansed, profiled database to support all your sales and marketing efforts. Information that can be appended includes:

  • Interests
  • Buying modes
  • Attitudes
  • Job titles
  • Roles
  • Responsibilities
  • Emails

Increased reach

Our specialised telephone researchers can build a bespoke list enriched with actionable insights that enable you to strategically target high-value prospects and enable you to:

  • Easily profile and accurately segment your data
  • Identify and target high-value prospects within key accounts
  • Tailor your message to prospects’ needs and interests
  • Increase the effectiveness of communications across all channels

Actionable insights, improved conversion

The benefits of data enrichment include:

  • Increased understanding of your target prospects
  • Improved personalisation, relevance, conversion, response and ROI.
  • Consent-based datasets that don’t spam customers but improve brand perception and customer experience across all channels.
  • Access to decision maker contacts that can’t be reached through other channels
  • Actionable insight that can’t be bought off the shelf.
  • Deeper relationships with key contacts

Contact us for more informations